

Books Essence, Opinion, startup

Personal Life is A Smaller Version of Corporate

Lately, I have been reading some business and personal development books. An interesting thing I’ve analyzed is, well, some books (or topics) are firstly available for business/corporate things and then followed by its ‘personal’ version. I think that’s really make sense since the men behind the corporate is also human. Therefore, the way corporate behave/act is quite similar with their…

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Books Essence, Daily Life, Opinion

Book Essence : The Start-up of You

Belakangan ini, istilah startups menjamur di mana-mana dan identik dengan usaha di bidang digital technologi yang bisa membuat pendirinya kaya, seperti Mark Zuckerberg dengan Facebook atau Jack Dorsey dengan Twitter, serta masih banyak lagi pemain-pemain di bidang teknologi yang berhasil menjadi outliers dan miliarder dadakan. Di buku “The Start-up of You”, salah satu co-founder jejaring sosial profesional no 1 di…

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Books Essence, Daily Life, Opinion

Book Essence – Give and Take

Give and Take Adam Grant According to Adam Grant in this book, there are roughly 3 types of people based on their reciprocity styles, which are takers, matchers, and givers. Takers tend to take more than they give to others, matchers will try to balance what they take and give, while, obviously, givers try to give more than they take….

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Books Essence, Books Review, Daily Life, Opinion

Review Buku – Sketsa Terakhir

  Penulis: Kei Larasati & Vanny PN Satu lagi buku dari teman sekelas 🙂 akhirnya selesai kubaca akhir pekan lalu, setelah jumat lalu entah kenapa pingin beli buku, dan langsung ke Gramedia, beli 2 buku, 1 langsung habis dibaca di Jumat, sementara buku ini habis dibaca besoknya. Supaya ndak sempat lupa dan tidak menunda-nunda, langsung tulis aja deh reviewnya hari…

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Daily Life, Opinion

(Business) Competition as a Cheap Idea Gathering Sources

Since i’m currently studying in post-graduate program (in management), there were some (well, quite many of them) business case competitions. And the topic wideness vary from one to another competition. For example, one that I followed in April, it asked how to improve in almost all aspect (not limited by anything), while for my last 2 competitions, one only asked…

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Information, Opinion

Ringkasan seminar QMPC (1): Menabung atau Berinvestasi ?

Mau share sedikit nih tentang financial planning, alias perencanaan keuangan.. Hehe.. Memang belakangan ini aku lagi demen-demennya baca buku tentang finance, dan financial planning adalah salah satu topik yang menurutku interesting sih.. Sabtu minggu lalu, aku ngikutin training tentang create your own financial plan yang diselenggarain oleh Quantum Magna Financial (QM Financial) di hotel Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta.. Yaa, karena…

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Heavier School Bag For Our Kids

Until now, I still remember my father’s school life story. He said, back when he has been going to school, he just needed to bring a note book, a pen, and put them on his shorts’ pocket. Compared to his story, our education system has became more complicated for our kids, including the heavier school bag for them, literally. I…

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Accenture DoYouKnow, Contest, Opinion

Accenture Do You Know Contest #1 : Medco Energy Case Study

The first case study topic is Management Consulting, where Accenture helped Medco Energy. As we know, Medco is a big company from Indonesia, which already has an international reputation around the world. As they want to become a global player in the future, Medco has asked Accenture to help them improve their business and management process. Here is the short…

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Contest, Information, Opinion

Maraknya Industri Kreatif Digital dalam Genggaman Tangan

Memasuki tahun 2011, ada fenomena yang harus diperhatikan dengan sungguh-sungguh. Fenomena tersebut adalah semakin banyaknya penggunaan mobile phone dan layanan datanya dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan. Jika dulu handphone hanyalah alat komunikasi semata (baik telepon maupun SMS), maka saat ini, mobile phone sudah mulai merambah ke banyak bidang. Contohnya, social media (akses mobile facebook dan twitter sudah lazim ditemui. Penggunaan mobile…

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