


my waiting, plan changed again

this morning, i’ve arranged my new future plan.. and it is included my ‘waiting’… i don’t think i’m the ‘waiter’ ( not that waiter/waitress, but yes their job is waiting customer ordering food rite ^^ ) so i guess i should be an opportunist… i should see and take a better chance if there is any in front of me…

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Bad Day – Daniel Powter

Where is the moment when we need it the most You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost They tell me your blue sky’s faded to grey The tell me your passion’s gone away And I don’t need no carrying on Stand in the line just ahead of the law You’re faking a smile with the coffee you…

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Uncategorized dari carissa ^^

ndak tau ini apa hasil e bener apa ndak.. bagi yang membaca silahkan dikomentari dulu ^^ You are an Attentive Leader. personalDNA about you You are a Leader Your solid grounding in the practicalities of life, along with your self-assuredness and your willingness to appreciate new things make you a LEADER. You’re in touch with what is going on around…

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busier in following weeks

this week is the last week of exams weeks.. but do not ever think that all of the business will clear away.. in fact, they will double in non-exam time he4… 11 may, my music group is invited to play again.. and that’s mean 2 word for me, more practice he4… there is 2 more new songs.. really that’s though…

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not a sad story

today 26-03-08, and 26-03-07 last year my cousin has passed away.. time has been running so fast… but  for those who are his friends, i believe that he never leave our heart.. well this is not a sad story and please do not feel sad.. just think the happiest moment we have shared with him… Share

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wew so cold in Batu , supported with the quite heavy rain.. OMG.. bring back home flu..wew.. but it was such a fresh air to breath there.. forgot all of my real life tasks, schools ha4.. and i’m thinking of moving there when i have enough money, and i will leave there he4… it’s still a long way to achieve…

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ready for holiday

i’m ready for the holiday ^^ so no post till saturday coz i go to Batu.. i really need a holiday to refresh my body and mind that has been stucked with so many stressors… Share

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aku baru saja dapat kesimpulan.. kalo nulis di Opera itu seperti g ada auto align nya, g bisa nyesuai in kata yang diujung gt, jadinya sering putus-putus hurufnya, selain itu hurufnya juga lebih kecil. mungkin itu sebabnya terlihat jelek.. karena untuk semntara masalah layout ini bisa teratasi menurut saya, maka saya tetap membutuhkan feed back dari pembaca2 yang lain untuk…

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wew masalah layout

<b> setelah lihat di FAQ nya wordpress ini, ternyata banyak banget yang ngalami problem yang sama neh… payah banget… di Opera sih smuanya berjalan mulus, namun begitu masuk browser laen seperti Firefox , IE, ato Safari, jadinya totally different dan orang2 bule itu pada ngamuk he4… </b> lah dalam 30 menit ini aja dah nyoba ganti 5 themes, namun semuanya sama aja, di         Opera cantik di browser lain cacat.. yah kalo mmg masih sangat mengganggu yah saya pertimbangkan pindah ke bloggingan laen aja dah… wew… soalnya juga ndak tau nih…

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debut yang kurang indah

yah kemarin malam aku menjalani debut pentas memainkan musik tradisional Tiongkok di salah satu pesta di Shangri-La Hotel.. tp sayangnya kurang indah neh buat aku.. entah karena gugup ato gmn, permainanku jelek banget..wew.. menurutku sih itu karena selama ini pas latian aku g pernah pake celana hitam polos yang licin ( celana nya org2 tua itu lo, yang dipake bwat…

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