Book Review – 101 Creative Notes

Yoris Sebastian is widely known as a creative junkies, even as creativity master in Indonesia. One of his most famous creation was I Like Monday programme while he was working at Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta. He already wrote a book about how to be a creative junkies like him (i have read it, but haven’t written the review) several years ago. And now his new book is a collection of creativity tips from himself which is useful and applicable in daily life.
First, what is so special about this book is all the contents were done using Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet. Its including word and image processor, even the illustrator also use that tablet to draw all the illustration image inside of this book. Magnificent.
This book is a ‘light’ book, which mean you won’t find any difficulties in understanding the sentences. Especially, almost al of the tips is ‘accompanied’ with nice illustration to make us easier to understand. But, to do all of the tips is different matter. Honestly, there are no difficult tasks inside of this book. But i think that its rather will i/you want to do it or not as a creativity-driving practice.
Some of the tips for example drinking pure water, take a nap, get enough sleep is very very easy to do for some people. But, as busy person, we sometimes decide that we even don’t have enough time to sleep for 8 hour. We rarely try to take a nap in the afternoon because we don’t want other staff see us as lazy person.
Some of my favourite tips are:
- Focus on Impact: do not focus on your job desk, position, experience. But, focus on what you can do best and give the positive impact for others
- Anti Established: yes, don’t stop or limit your creativity by the label ‘best practices’ or routines. Keep creative and find other ways.
Another things i want to try personally is the ‘working without seeing the clock’ tips. Sometimes, as a programmer, i felt being in a rush to code or fix bugs, but because i saw clocks so much, i felt i was underpressured to code as fast as i can, without thinking too much the consequences of the code, or maybe i haven’t tested the code quite much that later on it will make another bugs. So yes, i say yes to this tips and want to try to implement this tips a.s.a.p.
After all, this book is really good. Two thumbs up for Yoris and please keep writing
another creativity books :p
*this blog post was written using iPad, wordpress for iPad as word processor and instagram as image processor (first post using tablet, as parallel with the book which written using galaxy note :p)