Crazy Ideas

CrazyIdea#1 : Marka Keadilan

Marka keadilan. nama yang absurd sih… Cuma pas ngrencanain nama ini, yang terlintas kok malah ‘Justice League’. Jadi mungkin kurang lebih maunya sih ‘Justice Mark’ yang diterjemahkan jadi Marka Keadilan. Background story Di sebuah jalan di Surabaya dengan 3 lajur utama. Paling kanan biasanya dipakai untuk putar balik. Tengah dan kiri dipakai untuk lurus menuju traffic light. Seperti biasa, karena…

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Daily Life

Starbucks Origami : Cara Baru Minum Kopi di Rumah

Beberapa hari yang lalu, dikirimi foto ama temen yang nunjukin kopi sachet yang dipaket dengan filter lengkap, salah satunya Starbucks ini (merk lainnya Kapal Api)… Jadi penasaran mau beli dan coba juga. Pas stock kopi bubuk di rumah juga sudah menipis. Akhirnya beli 1 kopi bubuk yang packing 250 gr dan coba 1 package origami ini. Menurutku ini inovasi yang…

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KD : Loyalitas vs Peluang

Pertama-tama, KD di atas bukanlah sang diva, melainkan Kevin Durant, salah satu superstar NBA yang sedang dihujat oleh banyak orang akibat memutuskan pindah ke Golden State Warriors. Dari yang semula fans berat, kini menjadi musuh besar. Yang awalnya netral ikut-ikutan mencibir KD sebagai oportunis, hanya memikirkan cincin juara aja… Kasus ini nyaris sama dengan kasus King James yang sempat pindah…

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Daily Life, Opinion

Paling Mudah vs Paling Murah : Sebuah Praktik Competitive Advantage?

Untuk mengisi liburan kali ini, salah satu buku yang pengen dibaca (kalau sempat) adalah ‘Marketing in Challenging Times’ oleh salah satu pakar marketing Indonesia (dan dunia), Hermawan Kartajaya (selanjutnya saya singkat sebagai Pak HK saja ya). Kenapa buku ini menarik buat saya? Karena waktu membaca ringkasan di cover belakangnya, saya menjumpai sekitar 16 studi kasus yang kesemuanya membahas tentang Digital…

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Judgmental, Associating, and Polarizing Society

Last weekend, a traffic accident happened in Surabaya. In short, in the morning around 5.20 am, there was a sport car driven by young man hit a food hawker/kiosk in the side of street and caused the kiosk destroyed, one man died, and 2 people injured (broken bones). Some version of the stories said that there was another sport car…

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Books Essence, Books Review, Daily Life, Information, Opinion

Book Essence – The Life Changing Magic of Tidying

Tidying. For some people, it seems like bore-to-death activity. But, for me personally, I love tidying (my room, my office-space at home, even my desktop screen at my laptop/PC)  regularly, around once a month, because of my bad habit to clutter everywhere everyday. So, once a month (or twice, or whenever my eyes sore to see the mess around my…

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Books Essence, Opinion

Book Essence – Girl Boss

This book is autobiography of Sophia Amoruso, one of the best entrepreneur who turned her life dramatically from nobody into the hottest retail startup in US. While this book is initially more compatible with girls and ladies who want to achieve their best life (at first, this book belongs to my fiancee, which later I borrowed and finished reading it…

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Era of Platform-nomics

I have never used the-nowadays-hot-startups like Uber and AirBnB yet, especially since I don’t think it’s already available in my hometown (Surabaya). Well, I have read that Uber will open its service here. Hopefully I will be able to experience those services by myself near the future. There is a common characteristic of those 2 services (not only limited to…

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China Life, Traveling

Shanghai – Hangzhou Trip 2014 – Day 1

On July-August 2014 holiday, Me and My family went to Shanghai and Hangzhou. It was my 3rd times to Shanghai, 2 of them was done in 2011 during my study time in China. Unlike the others 2, this time, I should arrange the trip by myself completely (my 1st trip there was using tour agent services in China, while 2nd…

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