

Information, Opinion

Belajar Affiliate Marketing Yuk

Memang benar kata orang jaman sekarang. Ga perlu bergerak dari kasur dan sofa pun, kita udah bisa berbisnis dan menghasilkan uang lho lewat gadget, baik handphone, tablet maupun laptop. Seiring dengan mudahnya transaksi online dan mulai bertumbuhnya kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap bisnis online, Online Shop udah ngga bisa dipandang remeh oleh bisnis konvensional. Sudah banyak cerita yang mengulas bagaimana online commerce…

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Dilarang Memberikan Tips!

Beberapa hari yang lalu, setelah berlangganan Indihome Fiber yang baru (akhirnya di perumahan ini terinstall juga jaringan Fiber, setelah bolak balik menanyakan ke developernya), ada telepon dari 147 yang mengkonfirmasikan dan menanyakan bagaimana layanan dan instalasinya. Beberapa tahun ini, jika diamati, terutama berhubungan dengan perusahaan BUMN atau layanan publik, anda akan mendengar kalimat ‘larangan’ : “Mohon untuk tidak memberikan imbalan…

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KD : Loyalitas vs Peluang

Pertama-tama, KD di atas bukanlah sang diva, melainkan Kevin Durant, salah satu superstar NBA yang sedang dihujat oleh banyak orang akibat memutuskan pindah ke Golden State Warriors. Dari yang semula fans berat, kini menjadi musuh besar. Yang awalnya netral ikut-ikutan mencibir KD sebagai oportunis, hanya memikirkan cincin juara aja… Kasus ini nyaris sama dengan kasus King James yang sempat pindah…

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Daily Life, Opinion

Paling Mudah vs Paling Murah : Sebuah Praktik Competitive Advantage?

Untuk mengisi liburan kali ini, salah satu buku yang pengen dibaca (kalau sempat) adalah ‘Marketing in Challenging Times’ oleh salah satu pakar marketing Indonesia (dan dunia), Hermawan Kartajaya (selanjutnya saya singkat sebagai Pak HK saja ya). Kenapa buku ini menarik buat saya? Karena waktu membaca ringkasan di cover belakangnya, saya menjumpai sekitar 16 studi kasus yang kesemuanya membahas tentang Digital…

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Books Essence, Books Review, Daily Life, Information, Opinion

Book Essence – The Life Changing Magic of Tidying

Tidying. For some people, it seems like bore-to-death activity. But, for me personally, I love tidying (my room, my office-space at home, even my desktop screen at my laptop/PC)  regularly, around once a month, because of my bad habit to clutter everywhere everyday. So, once a month (or twice, or whenever my eyes sore to see the mess around my…

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Books Essence, Opinion

Book Essence – Girl Boss

This book is autobiography of Sophia Amoruso, one of the best entrepreneur who turned her life dramatically from nobody into the hottest retail startup in US. While this book is initially more compatible with girls and ladies who want to achieve their best life (at first, this book belongs to my fiancee, which later I borrowed and finished reading it…

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Daily Life, Movie Essence, Opinion

Thoughts from Movie “Moneyball”

Moneyball is a film about Billy Beane (played by Brad Pitt), a famous GM of Oakland Athletic Club which revolutionize the way clubs hire baseball player using statistics. First, Oakland is an underdog team which had several good players. Unfortunately, their good players always moved to bigger clubs because of bigger salary, which Oakland cannot afford it. Bored with this…

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Super AI in Transcendence – Will it become a reality?

Last week, i watched Transcendence movie, played by great actor Johnny Depp. The first time i saw the trailer, it looks like horror or thriller movie. But i was wrong. It was purely science fiction movie. And what stunned me more that the whole story was about how the scientists wanted to build a super AI, which can translate human…

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Lesson from German Mittelstand Companies

I just read an interesting article from Inc. magazine that discussed about Mittelstand in German. Mittelstand in German are companies which are family-owned, small to midsize manufacturing companies. Until now, Mittelstand companies contribute to 52% of German’s economic output and almost 2/3 of jobs. The characteristic of Mittelstand is quite special compared to companies from America or another countries, such…

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