Beijing Famous Place : San Li Tun Village

What is San Li Tun Village ?
San Li Tun (三里屯)Village for Beijing People is very identical with 时尚(shi shang) words, which means fashionable, update to the latest trend. No wonder, because it’s a modern place and nice hang out place for young people. It offers nice, cozy ambiance and give you a lot of choice in food (many nice and *expensive* restaurant here), and a lot of huge shopping stores.. (yes, they are really huge). If you want to go there, and talk to the taxi driver, just say San Li Tun (or you can say San Li Tur, it’s beijing special dialect :p). Beside of the San Li Tun village is Silk Market,a market for clothes/garment, and honestly, me myself (in one year Beijing life) never ever attend that place.. Hehe.. But, many tourists will definitely go there if they join a tour group (Indonesia tour group will go there, I think)..
What you can find?
Well, if you want to know some of those huge stores, please look at these pics 😀
Uniqlo with 3 levels

Adidas with 4 levels

Adidas Store
NB: What so special with these Adidas Store: You can find that in there are some sub-stores inside that sells Adidas joined product with famous designer. And, in 4th level, there is even more interesting one, that you can design your own shoe!!! hmm, the price is quite high, minimum 1000RMB for basic design and will be finished around 3-4 weeks. At least, I suggest you to look at 4th level and see some nice design of other people there (*me myself really want to buy those pair with my name on it, but later decided to hold the buying decision :p.. Someday, I’ll buy it)
Nike Store

Huge Apple Store full of glass 😀

Glassful Apple Store
Well, I also need to copy some photos from Baidu :p so that you can see the Apple Store clearer, since I don’t have those..
And last year, this store shocked me!! first time i went there, they used an ordinary board to display the price and iXX product, but after that, they used iPad!! iPad for displaying price and info 🙂 nice marketing idea.. what else can be used to promote your own product 🙂

iPad for Displaying Price

Apple Logo Shine
Izzue Store

Puma Store

Vero Moda

Vero Moda
United Colors of Benetton + Blue Frog Restaurant

Benetton and Blue Frog
I went there for the first time with an impression that it is an expatriate place (has been told that many embassies located near san li tun area).. Indeed, we can find many foreign people, especially from western (well, please include me as foreign people :p ).. So, basically, you can’t really expect there is a cheap food there :p .. Yeah, there is, McDonald :p But the price range for this place is middle-to-expensive. But I do think that it’s worth it.
And yes, I was so amazed with this place (until today, I still pretend that it is the best place to hang out in Beijing :D).
It has Megabox, maybe the best cinema I can find in Beijing :p you can find information in


Starbucks is a Must :p (and as you can see, there is a McDonald too)

Starbuck Coffee (星巴克)
Christmas in San Li Tun Village
I once went to San Li Tun in Christmas period, and they had an augmented reality game with very huge screen on the street hall. Very nice..

SanLiTun Hall decorated for XMas Game

These people wanted to play

Augmented Reality Game

Christmas Decoration
Behind San Li Tun Village
You can find some street market and street snacks, behind San Li Tun Village. If i’m not mistaken, just walk straight from Apple Store :p

Street Market
San Li Tun SOHO is located at San Li Tun Village opposite. It’s an office complex and has small shopping center.


SOHO Photo
How to go there?
- easiest (but most expensive way) of course is by taxi :p .. just tell the driver to go to San Li Tun.
- by bus, based on my experience, from 紫竹桥东(zizhuqiaodong) bus station, you can stop in 三里屯 bus station with number 701 bus. You don’t need to change bus.
- by train, you can get to line 10 and stop at 团结湖站 (tuan jie hu zhan). But you will have to walk for about 5 minutes.
Give you a little clue with Baidu Map 🙂
San Li Tun is also famous for night life (bar, pub, etc). It has several bars (based from my teacher information) there. I never attended one of them.. If you walk ahead, leave San Li Tun Village, toward the National Worker Stadium / 工人体育场 (see the far map above), you can also find some bars there 😀 just 5 minutes going straight from San Li Tun Village.
That’s all about my San Li Tun Village Post.
Please Go Here if you want to see other photos of San Li Tun