#405 : 1st Day of 30DLBL Challenge ~ Life Wheel
Well, first of all, maybe not all of you know what is 30DLBL challenge is. So, i will start to explain about it first, since it will fulfill my blog for this whole month (although i will have a holiday in the middle of the month, which i think i still can access the web via mobile, but i still don’t know whether i can share stories in this blog or not in those holidays periode). I also added a new category in this blog just to cover these 30DLBL posts, which titled 30DLBL.
30DLBL Challenge
30 DLBL is abbreviation of 30 Days Live a Better Life Challenge, conducted by Celestine Chua (The Personal Excellence Blog). Celes is a founder of The School of Personal Excellence, which goal is to achieve another people to unlock their potential and achieve a high consciousness of life. Personally, i haven’t met Celes, but i do follow her blog, as i find that this blog will be able to help me achieve a better life. http://celestinechua.com/blog is the address of Celes’ blog.
Back to 30 DLBL, it’s a program that is conducted by Celes, in order to encourage her readers to join this life improving program and share it in her blog, so that all the readers that join this program will be able to ‘consult’ their result with Celes and other readers. Well, to do such a quite ‘hard’ task to improve your life, i think, better support (and a feeling that you are not alone doing this) is great, isn’t it ? That’s why i also join this program, so i won’t be just passively follow, but i hope i can be actively enjoy this program. Basically, the principle of this program is, Celes will give us 30 tasks, each for a day, which we should do honestly (if you really want to improve yourself honestly).. If you want to join this program, you better check this page here.
Stuff You Need on 30DLBL
The main stuff you will need is NOTEBOOK (i mean paper notebook, not the laptop/notebook one). It will be your life notebook for this whole months, which you will write the task inside of it, your logs, and so on. Well, this is what celes said about the notebook.
For the 30 days ahead, you will need a workbook to write down what you did. It can be a random old notebook lying around in your house that’s unused; it can be a new book you buy specially for this challenge; it can even be a soft copy word document or excel workbook. Make sure it has at least 120 pages – Each day should have at least 4 pages for your writings (might be more or less depending on what you write).
Go grab a book now before you continue reading. After you finalize on your book:
- Use it for every day’s activity. Basically everything you do should be written here, whether it’s an introspective exercise, a physical plan, a log of things you did, etc (again, depending on the day’s task).
- Use the workbook to capture all your insights and learnings too.
- On the 1st page of the book, write a personal note to yourself for the next 30 days. It doesn’t have to be long – it can be 2-3 paragraphs, or even 4-5 lines long. Write down a personal encouragement, what you expect of yourself for the 30 days ahead, and what you hope to become at the end of the month. Finally, sign off with your name, time now and today’s date. So now whenever you open your workbook, you’ll see this special note from you, to you
- Bring along this workbook all the time for these 30 days. Read it whenever you’re free to refresh on what you’ve learned.
Me myself using Microsoft One Note as my ‘notebook’, because i think the feature is great (i’m not promoting Microsoft 🙂 ). I have just used this for about 2 months already.
Notes: It has unlimited colorful pages :). But again, it’s really up to your personal choice to use any other notebook. Me not promoting Microsoft 🙂
1st day task – Life Wheel
Okay, after the introduction of this program, i will share my 1st task, which titled Life Wheel. Life wheel itself, is a wheel that cover your life image, divided into 10 areas of life, which has their own scores (of course, since it’s your life wheel, you will be the one that have to score it). Celes, in this post, divide the areas into:
- Business / Career / Studies – The key segment in most of our lives. If you’re running a business, business will be applicable for you. For working adults, career is your segment. If you’re still a student, studies is the one.
- Finance / Wealth – How rich you are. The amount of wealth, assets, material possessions you have
- Health / Fitness – Your state of health as well as your lifestyle. Diet, sleep, exercise falls here
- Social / Friends – How you’re faring in your social circle
- Family – Your parents, siblings, next of kin, relatives, or even your guardians.
- Romance / Love – Your relationship with your spouse / boyfriend / girlfriend. Your dating life.
- Recreation / Fun – Your recreation and enjoyment in life
- Contribution – How you’re giving back to the society. Social cause. Humanitarian activities.
- Personal growth – Your personal development
- Spiritual – Your connection with the universe. Some call it higher power / God / higher self.
This is the example of a life wheel
So, basically, from your scores, give a mark on each areas, and make a line connecting those areas. In that post also, you can see Celes’ life wheel.
What’s the point from this life wheel ?
Personally, i think this life wheel is the whole image of your life (until when you draw it). And, if you want to make some improvements, it’s better to know first, how is your life until now. Doing so, you will know your strengths and weaknesses, make it easier to do changes, especially in some low score areas. So, i think, it’s a nice start from 30DLBL challenge to make this wheel first, in order to identify our life image. How about mine then ? Well, i would like to share mine.
I give my lowest score on love/romance and spiritual area. Hmm, no comment about my love lah.. hahaha.. i think maybe the reason of why i’m still single, maybe, is that i’m too picky. Being selective is good, but sometimes, over-selective is also not good. Let see how i can fix this area. For spiritual, until now, i haven’t care so much about them. it’s not good either.. that’s why i give myself low score.
I did some reflection on my wheel (although i will not just publish my whole writing publicly here, maybe just summarization of things that can be read public). Primarily, i would like to achieve better scores on all areas (with this 30DLBL). But, before that, i should know what was happen with my life (shown by my wheel) until now.
My biggest factor that i can’t achieve better is, i think, i procrastinate too much. And also i hesitate too much to take some actions. I’m a type of person that love to plan, but somehow, i failed more than half of my plan. Sometimes because i quited in the middle of a plan, and sometimes, i even didn’t do the plans, just leave (maybe) valuable plans that can change my life.
Personally, i think my wheel is just average, not too bad, but not also too good. But, if i do have a chance to make it better, why don’t i try ? By joining this program, i would like to see myself do some changes and improvements, so that, in my birthday (next month, October), i hopefully become a better person 🙂
After doing some reflections of my current whole life, Celes asked to set some goals. So, i will state some of my goals for this month
- Health area : become an early riser, lose some kgs (2-3) by the end of month (i think i’m quite overweight a little)
- Study area: finish my final project revision
- some other area, which i think too personal, and i’m sorry that i cannot share it in public place here 🙂
I set not too much goals, since i think i should make a prioritize on important goals first. Too many goals to be achieved will cost far more resources and times, so, firstly, i think it’s better for me to do some goals (maybe 3-5) and focus on them perfectly rather than set many goals, but in the end they will be screwed up because i’m lack of time/energy/focus.
After setting some goals, Celes also asked us to make a detailed plans to reach the goals. It’s a daily basis (you can see it in her blog). I think i will do the daily plans on paper, since it easier to change/edit and see it in a normal paper rather than digital paper :).. But, i will try to keep my activities logged in my blog.
Well, that’s all about my share for 1st task. For further information, just check this page.
Notes: maybe, after i finished this program, i will write a special page on my blog to summarize all the tasks i’ve done (still a plan 🙂 )..
Some personal achievements today
- Woke up early at 6 am. a lot of improvement for me. hope i can continue this the whole month 🙂
- Wrote down flash fiction story for Ubud Writers Festival Flash Fiction competition. You can see my fiction here