#185 : corel task – logo
got a task to create a logo.. but i seems to lost my magic in front of ‘drawing’ stuff whether its freehand or using computer application..
so this is what i made in 1 hour
this is a star of roll film pieces.. each film contains ‘C-10!’ text .. means creandivity-10 hehehe.. just that..
really i dun have idea in creating such things.. damn.. but exist is better than extinct ahhaha and i decide to make it rather than just give up..
why i didn’t use any color ? because now i’m still under effect of DIU (Digital Image Understanding) which all we process is binary image or graylevel image which means B/W or grayscaled image.. hehehe..
hey not bad, but pretty still, doesnt look like a star…. maybe the stiffness….hahah… how r u…
logo gae opo?
gae tugas.. jangan kau kira ak orang yang suka menggambar2 gt kayak kau dan anton.. hehehe..
Bagus kok idenya, cuman perlu dimodif, aga r lebih nampak seperti bintang(kl emang mau jadikin bintang). Dan ditata lagi biar agak kelihatan lega(gak tumpuk-tumpukan).. Nice job