weekend again
hmm it’s been a week since i last wrote ( i guess )..
well i’m not so busy that i couldn’t write, but just don’t have something to write about ^^
today theme is ‘rubber-time’ or in Indo we called Jam Karet..
i felt it so disturbing because i’m a scheduler person, and today, my schedule was really-really messed up just because one thing got delayed ( because of human error ) and it implicated quite much things.. because, the delayed event was in the middle ( in the afternoon ) so it meant that i should change all of my schedule after the afternoon.. and the delay was taking almost an hour.. urrgghhhh… 1/24 day..
but i believe that every body in Indo ( almost every body ) understand that culture.. for example, if you are invited to the party ( with ‘ 6.00 pm ‘ on the invitation ), i surely believe that you would choose to come at 6.30 or 7.00 because you have already noticed that usually the party started at that time.. what makes me feel curious is why the inviter still write the time that they know it’s not the exact time of the starting time.. i think the reason is just a culture that let you write 6 pm on invitation, but start the party at 7 pm…
well i think if we want to be a ‘modern’ country, we should eliminate this culture.. and even we can say it is not a professionalism to let guest waiting / let someone else waiting in fact you already knew that it will be started later or you have bad preparation that makes some delay..
i’m not a 100% accurate person in time, but i do hope sometimes this culture will be gone away…
ndik.. tone dari dua blog terakhir km rasanya kaya “marah-marah” ya…
Ati2 cepet tua lho!. hehe…
Well, kultur jam karet tuh memang rasanya membubidaya dimana2. Jgn kan di Indo, disini juga.
Rasanya mesti pinter2 yang bikin acara. So, klo acara mau mulai jam 6, nulisnya jam 5.
Tapi yah, so you know, aku lbh appreciate klo misalnya ada orang yang telat daripada janji2 dateng tapi g muncul. Ato telat tapi membawa info atau bahan diskusi daripada telat tapi g bawa apa2. haahha. Ini pure dari pengalaman ku kerja tugas kelompok.
iyah loh hari ini ‘puanas’ sekali gr2 masalah delay itu.. wew…
tp yah overall kondisi bulan2 gn sangat mendukung untuk cepet marah
tp le masalah cepet tua ya ndak jg la he4
yah itu susah ya.. orang dateng telat gara2 acaranya juga telat mulainya, tp pantia nulis nya awal2 supaya org2 g telat dateng la susah yang mana yang bener he4…
ya kalo kerja kelompok mah beda la yaw..
tp td itu gara2 molor, ujung2 nya lo temen2 ku nungguin aku makan ampe jam 3, kan ya sungkan to he4..
tp kata e orang kan mmg late is better than not come, and come with something better than come with nothing wkwkwk
tp aku jd merasa deja vu dengan statement ini ‘klo misalnya ada orang yang telat daripada janji2 dateng tapi g muncul’ wkwkkw maap loh yang taun lalu itu he4 bener2 maap wkwkwk… lain kali tiap janji dengan anda, saya akan pastikan tidak ada kondisi lain yang menghalangi he4..
ah.. nope2.. g nyinggung koq. emang pure dari experience ku group meeting…. ya tp klo merasa ya terserah. tp aku g accuse lho
wkwkwk ya ya
saya yang merasa sendiri kok he4…