
My Day – 09-11-2007

hari ini full isi ne cuma psikotes itu aja… n lgi kayak e kok smua calon2 itu lulus kabeh ya, kata e pake sistem gugur, tapi yang gugur cuma yang g dateng aja.. wew.. jd ne ya diwawancara kabeh, td udah ada sebagian termasuk aku.. tesnya maut2 lo bener2 bikin kepala panas deh lama2 wes bosen… ada bagian nyocokin pola-pola gambar, ada yang disuruh mbayangin kubus le dibolak-balik, ngitungi penjumlahan 2 bilangan 1 digit tp sebanyak kertas A3 wew, nggambar pohon di kertas kosong, nglanjutin potongan2 gambar jd gambar sembarang, nghapalno beberapa kategori + benda2 ne trus dites benda yang huruf depan e ini termasuk kategori apa,dll… perasaan dulu psikotes g gini sih, masa mau kerja ae kepalanya wes puanas gt… masio ini loh cuma iseng ikut nya, untung makanan ne gratis enak lagi hehe… rencana e mau masuk kelas PBO telat, wes ijin mbe cece ne, eh malah keluar test ae lebih suwe dari kuliah e… wew… pulang2 teler dah.. habis makan lgs ketiduran ampe jam 8 wew… kayak e hari ini cepet bgt nih g krasa bulan 11 ae wes 9 hari tgl 22 hari lg sebelum ngumpul proyekkk…arrrggghhh… butuh lebih dari sekedar semangat ini, butuh kegilaan hehehe…

today was a full day with the psychology test and in fact all of the candidates able to follow the interview which has been held today and will be tomorrow also.. the test was quite terrible and so many things need to do : drawings, mathematics ( not complicated, but very lot of work, almost full of A3 size of paper full with number we should add between 2 numbers and write down the result as fast as we can ), match the patterns of picture, memory tes10:45 PM 11/8/2007t ( memorize some words and later on must answer some questions ) and so on.. yeah this test was more complicated than other test i’ve ever done such as psychotest in Senior High School to decide the major… really exhausted and unpurposely slept from 7 pm – 8 pm he4… well quite a long but fast day.. counting the day with so many projects he4… need a passion, even more than passion, insanity…