Experience in Master Journey in Management 2013 Competition

Master Journey in Management (MJM) is a business case national competition held by Universitas Indonesia. Usually, the participants will be given a study case that consists of problems/challenges that a company faces. So, in this competition, participants act like a strategic planning consultant, which in the end we should give our recommendation to the company. And what makes it more interesting, of course, the final round. We will have to make a presentation in front of juries, including directors from the company covered in that case. Well, I will try to make a timeline how we join this competition 🙂
Registration Phase
On January 2013, the committee has sent to our university the posters (through printed poster + pdf file). The detail schedule was written there. Well, for this year, i think, the committee made some small mistakes. First, from the email and registration form, it was written that the deadline for registration phase is March 31st, while the poster above said March 21st. Luckily, on 21st March, I asked them what was the correct deadline, and they said 21st. So, our team was able to finish the registration on the last day.
After registration, the committee will select available candidates that is able to join the competition. They need 1 week. According to schedule, we should be getting our case in 28 March, because the deadline was 6 April. Different from last year, where each team only need to do 1 case, this year, we need to solve those 2 cases given. So, 2 weeks 2 cases. Seemed more difficult than last year..
But there was a small problems. Cases could not be given on time because the approval from Tiki JNE and Prudential (companies covered in study cases this year).. Later on, the first case was given at 3rd April. Luckily, the deadline was changed to 9 April, while for the 2nd case, the deadline was 13 April (case given on 5 April). Soo, we only have 5-6 days for each case.. phew..
First case is JNE case. In this case, we need to make an analysis of current conditions (using IFE, EFE Matrix), and then try to formulate several alternatives for new strategies (SWOT Matrix, QSPM Matrix), and then design the detail tactics that support our strategy. Honestly, it’s very similar to my assignments in ‘Strategic Management’ class in Ubaya. But of course, the ‘competition’ title makes it more tense and we try as much as possible not to make too much mistakes in understanding the case and do the strategic planning. Otherwise, we won’t able to reach the finals. The step was
- identify the key factors, external and internal, through SWOT Analysis.
- identify industry analysis through Porter Five Forces Analysis and JNE position among competitors
- formulate strategy based on SWOT and current positioning (our team using SWOT Matrix, Space Matrix, and QSPM Matrix)
- design detailed tactics based on chosen strategy
The answer paper is limited only 15 pages. And it should include abstract which is like executive summary that cover problem identification, background, until conclusion. Woahh.. At first, I think, we should think harder. Why? 15 pages is very limited space. Compared to last year, our seniors presented their solution in 26 pages paper. My school assignments, which is not too detailed, always takes more than 25 pages. And now, we were limited to 15 pages. Since we know that through this kind of competition, the company is looking for the solution/answer to the problems they are facing, we give more proportion in strategy and tactics than analysis. So, our analysis only 3-4 pages, while our solution/tactic 9 pages, and the rest is for abstract pages. Almost every tactics is complemented by illustration such in below image, to make it easier for the juries and readers understand our concepts. Also, pictures speaks more than words, right? 🙂
Second case is Prudential. This case was different from the JNE’s one, because in this case, we have to design the effective CSR Program for Prudential with themes ‘financial literacy in Indonesia’. So, we don’t need to make a comprehensive analysis, a strategic tactics, but we only need to make a several possible CSR program in order to increase financial literacy in Indonesia, which is very low. In the end, we made 5 program recommendation, and i really love the first one, which is financial class for newlyweds couple. I think, since most of us is not financial literate, the challenges in money management, especially after marriage and build a new family, will be harder. So, if we want to increase financial literacy for Indonesia citizens, it’s the best way to start from newlyweds couple, hoping that they will be able to manage their financial better and educate their children well.
Final Round
After finishing our paper, we submitted the paper that would be blind-reviewed by juries, to decide which teams were able to go through final stage. In 17 April, the selected finalist was announced, and we were selected too. Yay.. For each case (JNE + Prudential), 8 finalists selected from around 53 teams.
So, from 24-26 April, we were in Jakarta to attend the final round.
In final round, each team will have to make a presentation in front of 10 juries. In my room (for JNE case), the juries was the professors and lecturers (8 people) and JNE founder (Mr. Johari Zein) and JNE’s operating director. Wowow.. Very very exciting, yet made me nervous. We were the last team (8 from 8) to present our idea.. And the waiting was not too comfortable :p. The room is like a board of directors room. Really. So, the presenters in the middle front, and the juries will sit around you. I wasn’t taking the picture of the room, but I found a nice example that is very similar to that room.
So many interesting teams presenting their ideas. Also, there were teams who really creative in their presentation, make a video, animation, or even bring many instruments that support their presentation (while my team only depended on powerpoint :p) A lot of excitement to join this competition, to be able to understand how is your competitors thinking, and it’s the most valuable thing of joining a national-class competition. Really, at first, I was scared that some of our ideas will be the same with others. But, actually, there is only one idea (i think) that is the same with ours, which is idea to develop a mobile application for JNE.
So, in the end, we able to make it to be 2nd winner of this year competition (last year, our Senior also got 2nd winner). Well, 20% disappointed, 80% happy and grateful. Lol. But, the most important is experience, right? The experience from the competition that will soon end as I plan to finish my study this year. In academic competition, we learn, we make mistakes, and it may only affect our ranking, prizes, etc. But, after that, we will directly join the real problem in business world that even small mistakes can ruin your efforts. So, it’s quite a good way to express our analysis, our idea, and to know how the professor (from academic world) and the business people see our solution, give us insights through this kind of competitions. Don’t only see the prize money, but see the valuable knowledge that we can get too.
I would also like to thank you:
- Ubaya as my university, which give very much support for us.
- Mr Werner and Mr Dudi as our mentors
- Mr Anom, Mr Sujoko, and Mr Pontjo in preparing our final presentation
- Stephanie, in helping take a notes in our rehearsal
- Our friends who encourage and support us before the final day
In July, there is another business competition. Soo, I hope, i can be get the best result again next time :)..