
My Projects

proyek semester ini ( sampai skrg )
1. Delphi : mbwat game untuk anak SD. tim ku memutuskan untuk mbwat game simulasi model Tokimeki gt, jd player nya berperan sbg student di sekolah, tiap hari masuk skul dengerin penjelasan, ada ujian dan tugas-tugasnya dll.. yah kayak the sims sederhana gt sih mau ne maka e kasih nama Sims School Life.. yah pasti g bakal kayak buatan e EA gt tp yah berusaha semaksimal e sih..
2. C++ : bwat game pokemon versi singkat nya.. ntar crita e dikarang dewe aja deh hehe…
3. Aplikasi Internet : bwat e-store, kali ini bwat toko handphone + aksesorisnya..

smua proyek di atas deadline nya bulan ini akhir2 tgl 30 an wew skrg dah tgl 9 lo jd menimbulkan berjuta sensasi antara khawatir g mari, tp jg yakin nti e bakal mari 100% pasti e, semgat bwat game, tgl menjalankan dan mengerjakan sesuai plan yg sudah dirancang he4..

this semester project :
1. Delphi : create a game for elementary school kids.. My team decided to make a game like tokimeki memorial or a simulation game which conditionate player as a student in a school and must follow the class tutorial, exams, tasks and so on.. We call the game as ‘Sims – School Life ‘ yes it’s not as the EA’s Sims but we try to give our maximum capacity to make this game as interesting as we can…
2. C++ Object Oriented Programming : my team decided to develop a short version of ‘Pokemon’… this is a popular game..he4…
3. Internet application : create an e-store.. my team want to sell handphones + its accesories ( this is only fictive web site he4 )

all of those due to this month’s end and now is 9/11 so still has about 3 weeks again.. it cause many sensation, between sure-unsure able to finish it or not, but i’m totally sure we can do it with passion, as we have planned before…ho4…