
The Biggest Problem is Trust to Parliament, not How Mayor/Governor Elected

Last night, the House of Parliament of Indonesia (ironically, most of them whom Indonesian people really really distrust to) decided that the election of governor and city mayor will be held not by people (direct election) anymore, but will be held *exclusively* by each region’s house of parliament. The direct election model has been held since 2004, marked the new…

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Daily Life, Movie Essence, Opinion

Thoughts from Movie “Moneyball”

Moneyball is a film about Billy Beane (played by Brad Pitt), a famous GM of Oakland Athletic Club which revolutionize the way clubs hire baseball player using statistics. First, Oakland is an underdog team which had several good players. Unfortunately, their good players always moved to bigger clubs because of bigger salary, which Oakland cannot afford it. Bored with this…

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Finally Met Again (Is there any coincidence in this world?)

Today’s post is not really about me. But it made me realize that sometimes miraculous coincidence do happen around us. Here’s the story. Last night, I saw one of my friend’s (Anita) post in facebook. She shared news that she has found a dog on the street. Then, i suggested her to share this news through our city radio (Suara…

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Super AI in Transcendence – Will it become a reality?

Last week, i watched Transcendence movie, played by great actor Johnny Depp. The first time i saw the trailer, it looks like horror or thriller movie. But i was wrong. It was purely science fiction movie. And what stunned me more that the whole story was about how the scientists wanted to build a super AI, which can translate human…

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What is a Startup? (According to Lean Startup)

Startup is a boom nowadays. But, we hardly find a clear definition or explanation about startup itself. Maybe, definition from Eric Ries in Lean Startup books can help us: “A startup is a human institution designed to create a new product or service under conditions of extreme uncertainty” “Anyone who is creating a new product or business under conditions of…

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Lesson from German Mittelstand Companies

I just read an interesting article from Inc. magazine that discussed about Mittelstand in German. Mittelstand in German are companies which are family-owned, small to midsize manufacturing companies. Until now, Mittelstand companies contribute to 52% of German’s economic output and almost 2/3 of jobs. The characteristic of Mittelstand is quite special compared to companies from America or another countries, such…

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Books Essence, Opinion, startup

Personal Life is A Smaller Version of Corporate

Lately, I have been reading some business and personal development books. An interesting thing I’ve analyzed is, well, some books (or topics) are firstly available for business/corporate things and then followed by its ‘personal’ version. I think that’s really make sense since the men behind the corporate is also human. Therefore, the way corporate behave/act is quite similar with their…

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Books Essence, Daily Life, Opinion

Book Essence : The Start-up of You

Belakangan ini, istilah startups menjamur di mana-mana dan identik dengan usaha di bidang digital technologi yang bisa membuat pendirinya kaya, seperti Mark Zuckerberg dengan Facebook atau Jack Dorsey dengan Twitter, serta masih banyak lagi pemain-pemain di bidang teknologi yang berhasil menjadi outliers dan miliarder dadakan. Di buku “The Start-up of You”, salah satu co-founder jejaring sosial profesional no 1 di…

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Daily Life, Information

‘Siapa’ atau ‘Apa’ dulu dalam memulai usaha patungan?

Tadi sore, dari hasil ngobrol ngobrol santai dengan temen, ada 1 pertanyaan yang diajukan ke aku, yaitu: ‘kalo mau buka usaha patungan/join dengan orang lain, menurutmu pentingan dengan siapa atau mau buka usaha apa sih?’ Dan dengan cepet, aku bilang ‘ya liat sama siapa dulu donk’. Temanku sontak seperti sedikit terheran-heran gitu dengan jawabanku. Well, ini pertanyaan yang cukup menarik…

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Sebuah Obrolan dengan Supir Taxi

Supir taxi yang ramah dan suka cerita itu bisa dianggap sebagai sebuah keberuntungan loh, terutama untuk penumpang yang berpergian sendiri. apalagi kalau supir taxinya juga pinter nyanyi. Itulah yang terjadi senin lalu, waktu aku mampir bentar ke Jakarta dari Bandung. Ceritanya, abis ketemuan sama Glenn di Central Park, kita naik taxi ke kantornya Glenn. Yah ngobrol biasalah antara aku ama…

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